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The Finance Department, consisting of the Finance Director, an elected official, and the Deputy Finance Director, an appointed employee, is primarily responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Village. One of the department's most important activities is preparing the Village's annual operating and capital budgets for the approval of the council. In addition, the finance department invests the Village's funds in accordance with the laws of the state of Ohio and with prudent investment principles. The department is also responsible for debt administration, tax administration, cash management, and bi-annual audit. The department has consistently earned the Auditor of State's highest rating, an unqualified opinion.

The Finance Department maintains the village accounting system and prepares reports for the Mayor, Council, Cuyahoga County, and the state of Ohio. Regular departmental activities include preparing invoices, receiving revenue, paying bills, and paying village employees.


Tim Pickana

Please be advised that the Village repealed its income tax effective January 1, 2003.

2024 Employee Compensation Ordinance

2024 Year End Financial Statement

2023 Employee Compensation Ordinance

2023 Year End Financial Statement

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