The Building Department is charged with maintaining the safety, welfare, and superior quality of Hunting Valley's structures. The Building Department consists of state-certified inspectors and support staff capable of handling all types of issues from renovations to new construction. The department issues new construction and renovation permits as well as all mechanical permits and performs Residential Property Maintenance and Pre-Sale Home Inspections.
The Building Department also provides Planning and Zoning support for current and long-range studies, including Zoning Code Modifications, Open Space Studies, and Home Site Development. It is charged with preserving the aesthetic quality and character of the Village of Hunting Valley.
The Building Department is charged with maintaining the safety, welfare, and superior quality of Hunting Valley's structures. The Building Department consists of state-certified inspectors and support staff capable of handling all types of issues from renovations to new construction. The department issues new construction and renovation permits as well as all mechanical permits and performs Residential Property Maintenance and Pre-Sale Home Inspections.
The Building Department also provides Planning and Zoning support for current and long-range studies, including Zoning Code Modifications, Open Space Studies, and Home Site Development. It is charged with preserving the aesthetic quality and character of the Village of Hunting Valley.
Please note our submittal requirements have changed. See link below.
ABR & P & Z Submittal requirements
Building Permit Close-Out form
Point of Sale Inspection Application
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fax: (440) 247-2110
The Service Department is responsible for approximately 19 miles of public roads and does additional snow plowing, by contract, of 6-1/2 miles of private roads. The Village Hall roadside mowing and care for the Village cemetery and conservation land is also the responsibility of the Service Department. The Service Department maintains all Village-owned vehicles and equipment. The placement of all traffic signs, road striping, and tree maintenance is also the responsibility of the Service Department.
Victor Strauss
Joyce Cieslak
Village Infrastructure Projects
Old Kinsman Culvert
The road is now closed above the culvert